In a new ranking of European cities where people are most satisfied with their lives, Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5. The city is also one of the best for living with small children and for migrants. The study took into account all the amenities - from the work of transport and organizations to street cleanliness and safety, according to yavp.pl.

The new Quality of life in European cities 2023 ranking, commissioned by the European Commission, shows the level of satisfaction of residents with their living in 83 cities. The cities of the EU, the UK, Turkey, and the Balkan countries were evaluated.

The port city of Gdansk, with its picturesque architecture in northern Poland, is ranked fourth in the ranking. Only in three European cities do more people feel more satisfied with their living conditions: Zurich (Switzerland), Copenhagen (Denmark), and Groningen (the Netherlands).

In addition, Gdansk was ranked fifth in the category of cities where migrants from other countries live well. Only Cardiff (Wales), Lisbon (Portugal), Braga (Portugal), and Groningen (the Netherlands) had better conditions.

One of the most beautiful cities in Poland was also ranked fifth among the cities with the best living conditions for families with young children. Only Cardiff (Wales), Oulu (Finland), Braga (Portugal), and Leipzig (Germany) are ahead of Gdansk.

At the same time, the quality of life in many Polish cities is rapidly improving. In particular, several Polish cities have made it to the top 10 in the ranking due to positive changes over the past 5 years:

Bialystok (first place); Gdansk (second place); Krakow (sixth place); Warsaw (ninth place).

Other cities with a rapidly improving quality of life include Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Vilnius (Lithuania), Ostrava (Czech Republic), Tallinn (Estonia), Sofia (Bulgaria), and Antalya (Turkey).

We also wrote that Americans are increasingly moving to Europe. Although the United States is known as a country of free people, more and more Americans are choosing the more relaxed lifestyle of Europeans.

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